Documentation on imspec
Task: imspec
Purpose: Plots spectra from image data
Categories: map analysis
Imspec plots spectra. The flux, primary-beam-corrected-flux, mean or
sum of an area can be plotted. Data can be averaged/summed in ra-dec,
ra-vel or dec-vel (etc) planes, to obtain profiles along the vel, dec
or ra axes, respectively. See the description of the keyword axes.
To get fluxes the sum of the beam in an area of the same size as the
input region is calculated, using the beam keyword.
The data can be converted to Kelvin, by using 'options=tb' and the
beam keyword.
Output can be written to the terminal, a log file, or a plot. The
options keyword gives control over the plot.
To write the spectrum to an ASCII file use options=list,noheader and
The plotheader can be suppressed by using options=noheader. An
alternative title can be put on the plot by options=title. A useful
combination is 'options=noh,ti,title', to get only the string 'title',
instead of the full header.
Key: in
Standard in keyword. See the help on in for more information.
Key: region
Standard region keyword. See the help on region for more information.
For the moment imspec only recognizes rectangular boxes. It will use
the mask associated with the input image.
Key: plot
This selects what will be plotted as function of e.g. velocity.
To convert data to fluxes the input of the beam keyword is used.
Minimal matching is applied. The default is 'flux'.
'mean' Plot the mean
'sum' Plot the sum
'flux' Plot the flux
'pbcflux' Plot the primary-beam-corrected flux
(not yet implemented)
Key: options
The options control the characteristics of the plot.
Possible options are (minimal matching is done):
'tb' Convert the units of mean or sum to brightness
temperature, using the input for the beam keyword
'hanning,#' Hanning smooth the data first over # pixels (must be
an odd number)
'boxcar,#' Boxcar smooth the data first over # pixels
'deriv,#' Take the derivative after smoothing. If #=1 a one-sided
derivative is taken, for #=2 a two-sided. Useful for
Zeeman work.
'noheader' Do not write the header information, just the numbers,
producing an ASCII file for a plotting program
'list' Write the spectrum to the screen/logfile
'eformat' Always use format 'e' instead of 'g' to write results
'xmin,#' Give lower x-value on axis
'xmax,#' Give upper x-value on axis
'ymin,#' Give lower y-value on axis
'ymax,#' Give upper y-value on axis
(for these four options the default is autoscaling)
'title,#1,#2,#3' Put the string #1 at x-position #2 and y-position #3,
with positions measured in units of the coordinates
on the axes. If 'title' is the last option, the title
is put in the upper left hand corner.
'style,#' This selects the plot style.
#=connect means connect the datapoints
#=step means make one-bin wide connected horizontal
line segments
#=histo means bins are drawn as a horizontal line
surrounded by two vertical lines
Key: cutoff
All datavalues below the cutoff are not used for the calculation of
statistics. Give one real value, which may be followed by the string
',abs' to get a cutoff in the absolute value of the datavalues.
Default is no cutoff.
Key: beam
If plot=flux is used, imspec calculates the sum divided by the sum
of the beam to get the flux in the selected area, if the units of the
input data are 'per beam'.
If the name of a dataset is given, it assumes this is a beampattern
and sums the data in a region of the same size as the input region.
Else, it assumes that 'beam' gives the major and minor axes of the
beam in arcsec and it calculates the sum of a gaussian beam of that
If 'beam' is omitted, but 'flux' was selected, the beam is found from
the header (items bmaj and bmin). If neither is present, the sum is
assumed to be 1.
Key: axes
This keyword gives the axis or axes along which data are averaged
to obtain one datapoint on the profile. Combined with the region
keyword, this can be used to get a profile as function of any
coordinate. The specifications are admittedly complex, because data
averaging is allowed.
- Example 1: to get a profile along the velocity axis (a spectrum) use
axes=ra,dec, region=relpix,box(-31,-31,32,32)(10,40)
to average in ra from -31 to 32, in dec from -31 to 32 and plot the
average as function of velocity from channel 10 to 40.
- Example 2: to get a profile along the ra axis (at a given
declination) use
axes=dec,vel, region=relpix,box(-31,0,32,0)(10)
to plot a profile along ra from ra=-31 to ra=32, at dec 0 and in
plane 10.
- Example 3: to get a set of profiles along the ra axis (at a number
of declinations) use
axes=vel, region=relpix,box(-31,-31,32,32)(10)
to plot a profile along ra, for plane 10, one for each declination
between -31 and 32.
- Example 4: to get a profile along the declination axis (at a given
ra) use
axes=ra,vel, region=relpix,box(-10,-31,10,32)(10)
to plot a profile along declination, with ra averaged from ra=-10 to
ra=10, and in plane 10.
The default is to make a spectrum in the velocity direction (example
Possible values for axes are: 'rascension', 'declination',
'longitude', 'latitude', 'glongitude', 'glatitude', 'velocity',
'frequency', 'channel', 'stokes', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'a', 'b'. Upper
case and capitalized versions and the string 'R.A.' are also
recognized. Minimal matching is applied. One or two axes may be
Key: device
Standard device keyword. See the help on device for more information.
Key: log
If specified, output is written to the file given by log= instead
of to the terminal.
Generated by on 11 Jul 1996